Leaking AC Units Insurance Claims in Lighthouse Point

People are often on the lookout for a luxury vacation destination. Home to some of the finest spas, boating clubs, sport bubs and beaches, Lighthouse point is just the place. Unfortunately, the residents are often found complaining about leaky AC units. However, no one knows for sure why an AC unit leaks. It could be due to any of the reasons mentioned below.

  • Clogging of the condensate drain line
  • Insufficient coolant
  • Grimy air filter
  • Defective condensate pump
  • Drain pan rusting

Purchasing and maintaining an AC is expensive, and getting repaired one is just as costly. A safe option is to file and insurance claim with a reputable insurance carrier. Regrettably, filing and insurance claim is meagerly insufficient, unless a professional public adjuster like All Star Public Adjusters in involved.

Broward County HVAC Leak Insurance Claims

Homeowners in Broward County invest a significant amount of time and money into maintaining their AC units. Meanwhile, they fail to pay attention to their HVAC systems. An HVAC system is fluid-based equipment and if left unattended can result in a leakage. Detecting a leak in one’s HVAC system is a difficult job. To detect a leakage in an HVAC system, the following signs must be looked for.

  • An increase in electricity bill is a sign that the refrigerant has started to leak slowly. For an HVAC system to perform efficiently, it must be charged with sufficient amount of refrigerant. Slow leakage reduces the efficiency of an HVAC system.
  • In an HVAC system, oil is used as a lube, and a leakage can result in oily spots on and around an HVAC unit. These oily spots later attract dust.
  • Refrigerant leakage in an HVAC unit causes the heating and cooling capability of the system to decline slowly.

Sadly, the insurance carriers exhibit a non-serious attitude towards insurance claim filers. Either they refuse right away, delay the claim, and some even don’t pay the rightful settlement. To make sure that the filer’s rights and protected, a public adjuster like All Star Public Adjusters can prove to be a game changer.

AC Water Damage Insurance Claims in Lighthouse Point

Leakage isn’t the only inconvenience caused by a defective AC unit. AC leakage causes indoor flooding, which later causes water damage. Water damage is dangerous for the structure of the house and the health of the occupants that reside within. Water damage paves the way for another unwelcome intruder, mold. First of all, mold causes an unbearably pungent smell inside the house. Secondly, it weakens the house structure and blemishes the walls and ceilings. It also proves detrimental to human and animal health.

To eliminate the inconvenience homeowners face with settlement of insurance claim, a public adjuster like All Star Public Adjusters is nothing short of a blessing. A public adjuster interprets the policy matters to its clients, negotiates a settlement with the insurance carrier and makes sure the settlement is paid in a timely manner.

Lighthouse Point AC Unit Insurance Claims

For homeowners in Lighthouse Point struggling with settlement of insurance, All Star Public Adjusters is the answer. With a team of professional legal practitioners they settle insurance claims in no time. Call 855-932-5648 to speak to one of our specialists at All Star Public Adjusters and get a free consultation. We will fight your insurance company to get the best settlement offer for you. Get started with a free consultation! We help maximize your leaking AC unit insurance claim! Let us help you file your claim and get the maximum payout! Never settle for less than you deserve!